Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Lost 10 Pounds; Improving at Boxing.


At the end of January, I made a decision to cut weight. I wanted to lose 15 pounds. This was overly ambitious. Probably at most, without triggering starvation mode, I can lose 13 pounds.

As of last week, I dropped 10 pounds. My body fat appears to be at about 10%. I did so by a combination of intermittent fasting and boxing workouts, which included a lot of running. It wasn't hard. It wasn't easy. It was certainly intentional.

Given that being overweight and obesity is now at 70% in the United States, we have a health crisis. Obesity disproportionately affects the poor and minorities. According to one study, "Counties with poverty rates of >35% have obesity rates 145% greater than wealthy counties."

Currently, Ozempic and semaglutides appears to be the Holy Grail for this epidemic. One problem. We don't know the long term effects yet. I wouldn't be opposed to this as a jump start for people. Sadly, the drug costs three times more in the United States than in United Kingdom. 

We know that the obesity problem is caused by our toxic food supply. I do believe that Congress needs to ban seed oils, corn syrup, GMOs, and heavy uses of pesticides.

I can write more on all this later, if there's an interest. In the meantime, I'm promoting my boxing coach, Elder Arambula, who just started his own fitness business - New Life Boxing and Fitness.

Hit him up on Instagram at Elder Arambula (@elderboxing107), if you're interested in training.