Saturday, September 14, 2024

Pastor Siang-Yang Tan Destroys Youth Ministry at First Evangelical Church Glendale - The Disney Worshipping Church


During Pastor Siang Tan's tenure at First Evangelical Church in Glendale (FECG), the college ministry became decimated, then dissolved. At the time, Tan delegated Pastor Donn Halla to oversee the youth ministry, who was only let go after the young adult ministry was destroyed. (Halla's sermons had to be some of the worst and most boring talks I've ever heard. Clearly, Halla didn't take God's work seriously.)  Tan stated that certain people had to be fired so that he could preserve his pension and the pension of other staff.

From the pulpit, after admitting failure regarding the loss of the young adults, Tan rebuked his congregation for criticizing him and asked them: "What do you want me to do about it?" Well, who else is supposed to be do something about it?

The fundamental problem in the church is that it was not Christ-based. Congregants, especially the young adults, worshiped and talked more about Disney than Jesus. If one wasn't obsessed with Disneyland, or was single, or without children, one wouldn't be welcomed by pastors or congregants.

Other heretical issues that bothered me was the church's stance on Hell and a lack of repentance and responsibility for failed leadership and sin. Tan also openly promoted masturbation as not being a sexual sin. Another pastor there told me that Judas was still able to receive salvation after betraying Jesus.

I wrote these criticisms on Yelp, which somehow FECG was able to remove. Although former pastor, Diana Shing, reached out to me, she made me feel like that I was the problem and that I had issues. I have yet to receive an apology from the Disney Church for me having to endure heresy, boring recycled sermons, and inhospitable treatment to others and myself. Remember; God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for their inhospitality to guests and newcomers.

Tan and his leadership have failed to admit fault, failed to own responsibility, and failed to repent and change. FECG would rather bury its sin and shame away from the public than to repent.

After seeing the Yelp post removed, I felt convicted to make this a permanent post and to publish it here. My small group confirmed it should be done too.

This Disney Church has moved away from the initial goals of it's founder Reverend George Chua - who wanted his congregants to learn more about God and worship together. 

I just finished teaching a study of Hell. And I have to say, the way that the Disney Church is going, it's destined for Hell: the second death and God's violent killing of the soul.

To the Church of Disney, Jesus has already stated:

"I know what you have done; I know that you are neither cold nor hot. How I wish you were either one or the other! But because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I am going to spit you out of my mouth! You say, ‘I am rich and well off; I have all I need.’ But you do not know how miserable and pitiful you are! You are poor, naked, and blind." (Rev. 3:15-17).

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Local Boxer Sues California’s Department of Parks and Recreation for Illegally Issuing Parking Ticket Fines of Up To $168; Injunction Filed in Orange County Superior Court on August 28, 2024 to Stop the Department.

After hearing about the Super Bloom, (a rare desert botanical phenomenon in California), Elder Arambula, a professional boxer; boxing coach; Hispanic; and local Californian - born and raised - wanted to see it for the first time at the Chino Hills State Park. He parked his car at the parking lot at the Chino Hills State Park Carbon Canyon entrance, operated by the California’s Department of Parks and Recreation. 

After doing a two and a half hour hike around the area, Arambula witnessed the natural California wildlife, such as birds, flowers, trees, and a snake. He found the experience peaceful. 

But upon his return, Arambula was upset to find a $71.50 parking ticket on the windshield of his car; the top of the notice stated, “NOTICE OF PARKING VIOLATION” – which was cited under California Code of Regulations, Title 14 § 4302 (“Regulation 4302”). There were no signs posted to warn him about purchasing a parking permit.  

Arambula asked Ranger Kenneth L. Gordon, who cited him, where the sign was that notified him to purchase a parking permit. The ranger ignored him and upon repeating the question, he said Arambula could read the back of the citation to contest it. He witnessed other members of the public outraged at receiving a parking citation.

At the Carbon Canyon entrance alone, the Department has illegally issued over 131 citations since citing people. The Park has multiple entrances.

Arambula brought the issue to his attorney, Paul Cook. At first Cook thought that this was an issue of the Department ticketing members of the public without warning them with an adequate sign. After filing the lawsuit, the Department has since posted signs, hoping the matter would disappear.

Upon investigating the facts, Cook discovered deeper problems. The whole parking citation scheme was and is illegal. And even after notifying the Department of its illegal scheme, the Department continues to fine members of the public with more parking citation.

The entire scheme violates both state and federal law. First, it violates the state’s vehicle codes. Vehicle Code Section 40203.5 requires that an agency notify the public of how much the fine amount is, if a parking citation is issued. Here, the Department has published no fine schedule.

It also violates Vehicle Code 40202, which requires that the Department enact law before it can even fine a person for a parking violation. Regulation is not enacted law. In December 22, 2011 – the Attorney General (AG), who represents the Department, published an opinion that parking fines can only issue if there is enacted law. Here, there is no enacted law about purchasing a parking permit. Now; the AG takes the position that the State is above its own law.

Finally, under the Due Process clauses of both our state and federal Constitutions, Regulation 4302 is void because it fails to provide "fair notice." Article I, Section 7 of the Californian Constitution states, "A person may not be deprived of . . . property [which includes money] without due process of law.” One fundamental requirement of Due Process is "fair notice of what conduct is prohibited."

Here, the Department is citing the public for a violation that isn’t even prohibited. Regulation 4302 requires a “use fee”, but a “use fee” under the plain meaning is an entrance fee. It is not a parking permit.

Our courts have stated, “[I]f the . . . regulation under which it is obtained ‘fails to provide a person of ordinary intelligence fair notice of what is prohibited'", the Regulation will be voided. In other words, the Department has no right to fine people, because it has no regulation or law, written in plain English, that a motorist needs to purchase a parking pass to park in the parking lot. Hence, it’s been fining people illegally. Thus, the Regulation needs to be voided as practiced.

The Department, however, appears to be engaged in a cover up. When asked about the signs by interrogatories, Jennifer C. Comilang-Balsley, Senior Counsel with the Legal Office of the California Department of Parks and Recreation, appears to make a misrepresentation under the penalty of perjury. She stated, “This signage has been in place for years and was there before the current District Superintendent arrived as risk manager officially on October 1, 2019.”

Cook subpoenaed Google Maps, which shows that as of February 2021, the Department had no signs erected. Google has verified that the image is accurate.

When each of the government's illegal violations are viewed in context, it’s clear that the State of California has created a snare trap for the weary, in which it intends to harm the public by fining those who are not familiar with the secret rules, in order to pay administrators and staff exorbitant salaries. 

According to California Transparency, Jennifer C. Comilang with benefits, makes $261,375.7; Director, Armando Quintero, $260,361.43; and Ranger Gordon, $191,234.42. 

No law in the Public Resource Code has been enacted regarding the fines. No law has been posted on what motorists need to do. And at the time when Arambula was cited, no signs were posted for members of the public to know. And when confronted, the Department instead of being honest and owning responsibility and refunding the amount taken, engaged in a cover up.

Hence, last Thursday, Arambula had no choice but to file an preliminary injunction with the court. He will also move to file a temporary restraining order next week.

After reading this story, a regular reader of this blog and avid hiker and Californian resident stated, “It’s thievery masquerading as public service.”