Wednesday, January 1, 2025

2025 - the Year of Exposing the Snakes - the Year of Light

2025 will be the year where the snakes will be exposed. On the Jewish Holiday of Yom Kippur - I fasted without drinking water or eating food for an entire day. During that time, I was reading the Holy Scripture, and I felt like the Lord told me to proclaim this verse: The Lord "reveals the deep things of darkness and brings utter darkness into the light." (Job 12:22).

According to the Chinese Zodiac, 2025 will be the year of the wood snake. Snakes, generally represent, evil, deceit, treachery, envy, and danger in the Scriptures. On few occasions, they also represent God's judgment and even healing. 

I've had numerous encounters with deadly snakes in my life. For some reason, I'm not afraid of them. I remember picking up the most venomous snake in the world: a sea snake. The Dubois sea snake is 100 times more deadly than a terrestrial snake, and like I said, I picked it up on a scuba dive. Then I let it back down. It slithered away.

When I was in Kakadu, Australia, I picked up a huge python, which urinated in my hand and left a terrible stench. It's body was as thick as a coke bottle. So, I've had my fair share of snake handling. 

As per my usual tradition, let's review 2024 - which was a good year for me.

* * *

We ended the year strong, by breaking the story on the Legal Lens regarding Susan Rubio, and all her marijuana kickbacks. There's a snake, if I've ever seen one.

Also, I won my first reversal on an appeal. No, I didn't make some great law, or settle some complex or significant legal issue, which I've always wanted to do. But again, consistent with the theme of 2025, I exposed more snakes in that appeal.

I always published another opinion editorial, advocating for conservatorship reform.

We also exposed a pretty big story, which didn't get as much attention as it should've. Elder and Marilyn and I discovered that it appears Cyrus Towing was hiring a professional car crasher to hit cars, engage in insurance fraud and make a profit at the risk of serious harm to people.

According to an admission from Cyrus Towing, an officer is calling in these crashes to make a profit. His name is Eric Voss. He appears to be a snake too, along with Daniella Sullivan ("Dee Dee") and Amir Eftkhari.

Furthermore, I made significant progress on my father's case, which I'll be writing more about this year. The reason I haven't written as much from 2021 until now, is because I've been taking care of my father and this case.

 * * *

Last year, I wanted to set the vision that Truth would prevail and expose evil. I think I'm accomplishing that. To me, it appears 2025 will be a continuation of 2024 in bringing "the utter darkness into the light."

In 2025, I'll be writing more on government corruption, elder abuse, and other dark crimes. 2024 was a good year for me, but regardless, it's time to say goodbye to it. The Year of the Dragon has ended, and now comes the Year of the Snake.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Won my First Appeal; Trial Judge Should've Recused Himself


I won my first appeal on November 21, 2024. It's a long time coming. This is my father's case. If you've been following, I prevailed in an elder abuse restraining against the step-lady in my father's life, Yun Ja Kim. She retaliated and filed a conservatorship against my brother and me. 

I had my worst trial court experience ever. I knew something was wrong at the hearing. The first thing that happened was that there was a substitute judge named William Barry. The court didn't send me notice. The court appointed counsel, William C. Price hasn't been sending me any service copies of the documents he filed in court. I found the whole thing strange.

In California - within time limits - everyone has the right to recuse one judge. So, I orally disqualified him. Barry said that I couldn't do this. I told Barry that I would email him the recusal documents, or we should continue the hearing until 1:30, so I could come to court to file it. Barry still refused. (Barry was actually reversed by the Court of Appeal before, because he blocked a litigant from blocking him or her from filing paper work.)

Barry then ordered sanctions against me and later told me I had to self-report to the bar. (See; I knew something was wrong.) When I tried to dispute what he was doing, Barry muted me; so I couldn't make my record. His last words to me was that I was disruptive and unprofessional.

Anyways, I appealed him and the appellate court said I was right. The first recusal is the first one presented to the court, in this case, my oral recusal challenge. The second ruling the court held was that an oral peremptory challenge is valid.

You know what was weird after that? I got a notice from Los Angeles Superior Court that Judge Barry would no longer be coming back to the bench.

Anyways, I reported Barry to Judicial Performance (which is the agency that oversees judges). Judicial Performance wrote to me and said I should check with Judicial Council to see if he was even authorized to sit on the bench during this hearing. In other words, Barry might not have even been permitted to hear this case.

Anyways, I've been finding at least two of these conservatorship judges, Judge Barry and Judge Jonathan L. Rosenbloom, to engage in unjustified amounts of arbitrariness. The Epoch Times has written its first piece on the abuses of the conservatorship processes. 

I wrote an opinion on what I believe to be the unconstitutionality of the conservatorship process. You can read it on Cerritos News, titled: "California State Legislature Needs To Enact Laws That Require a Probable Cause Determination In Conservatorship Hearings".

The other appeal I came close to winning was against the City of Baldwin Park. I argued that the City was illegally indemnifying Manuel Carrillo, the Director of Parks and Recreation, by providing him an attorney, when Carrillo was being sued for non-city activity and instead for illegally running the City's sham alter-ego nonprofit.  Carrillo was taking thousands of dollars in funds and then laundering them into gift cards that he can't account for.

After the nonprofit was dissolved, the City started up another nonprofit, called the Baldwin Park Charitable Relief Foundation. The officers are the same directors of the City of Baldwin Park: Director of Parks and Recreation, Manuel Carrillo; City Manager, Enrique Zaldivar; and Finance Director, Rose Tam.

I didn't win that in appeal in 2016, but you can read the opinion here. (It was a close call.)

 Incidentally, the law firm representing Carrillo on appeal appears to be under FBI investigation right now for a bribery scheme that involved the granting of marijuana distribution licenses. The firm is Albright, Yee & Schmit, and Cristeta Paguirigan-Summer, a disbarred attorney who works for Albright, was a consultant representing the Jade Effect, a marijuana company. 

Cristeta was an avid donor to state Senator, Susan Rubio. Cristeta was previously disbarred for forgery.

The Carrillo-appeal was my first appeal. I appeared in front of Norman Epstein. I have nothing but the greatest respect for him. Funny that my trial mentor also appeared in front of him, when he was a litigator.

To end, I recall Ulysses S. Grant's quote: "Man proposes and God disposes."

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

My Opinion Was Published in Cerritos News - California State Legislature Needs To Enact Laws That Require a Probable Cause Determination In Conservatorship Hearings

(C) Reuters
Imagine that people from a cultish church show up to kidnap your father. You call the police on them. Then you find out that your father’s confidential wife also smuggled in opiates into the rehab center, to convince your father to leave the place. Then you find out that while your father had dementia and was being drugged on opiates the whole time, the confidential wife deeded herself all of his real properties, worth over $2 million, and was trying to conceal all this and take control over your father again to get away with her scheme and flee with the money.

. . .

  Read more on Los Cerritos News here.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Breaking News: Former City Attorney, Robert Tafoya, Admits to Bribing California State Senator, Susan Rubio, to Promote Her Senate Election.

According to a plea agreement with the Department of Justice entered into with Robert Tafoya, former City Attorney of Baldwin Park, Tafoya bribed California State Senator, Susan Rubio with approximately $230,000 in money received from marijuana kickbacks. The Legal Lens has identified that Person 20, which the plea agreement describes as, "public official", as Rubio. In this agreement, Tafoya admitted that he was the architect of a complex marijuana scheme, in which people would pay Baldwin Park City public officials to vote for their licenses, if they provided $240,000 to him and other city officials, like former Council Member, Ricardo Pacheco.

According to it, "In or around 2017 or 2018," Susan Rubio, "approached defendant and asked him to solicit a bribe payment from company seeking a marijuana permit in the City using the same intermediary scheme utilized by Pacheco."

Tafoya then selected a close friend or relative to launder the money for him; with the purpose of Susan Rubio receiving $200,000, while $40,000 would be kept by the money launderer, who used the title, "consultant".

When the marijuana operator started backing down from the deal, Rubio and Tafoya met with him or her to reassure them that a permit would be received for the price of $240,000. Tafoya became concerned that the marijuana operator might report the two of them to law enforcement. So, he threatened that if they didn't pay, the deal was off.

Rubio started running for State elected office from 2017 to the end of 2018. "To raise campaign funds, [Rubio] asked [Tafoya] on two occasions to provide [her] $15,000 in cash that [Rubio] could then funnel to other individuals to make conduit contributions to [her] campaign. [Rubio] wanted these small donations to demonstrate to other donors [her] broad support amongst the community. 

"[Tafoya] agreed on both occasions to provide the cash because he believed [Rubio] could remove defendant as [Baldwin Park] City Attorney and understood that [Rubio] would provide [Tafoya] additional work if [she] were elected to State office.

"In or around October 2017, while in the primary for [Rubio's] election, [Rubio] first asked defendant for $15,000 in cash. [Tafoya] agreed to provide it and then withdrew $15,000 from the Tafoya & Garcia, LLP account at Wells Fargo in four transactions between October 25, 2017 and October 26, 2017. Defendant then met with [Rubio] and provided [her] the $15,000 in cash in an envelope.

"After [Rubio] won [her] primary in June 2018, [Rubio] once more solicited $15,000 in cash from defendant in order to further engage in the conduit contribution scheme described above. 

"[Tafoya] agreed but, before providing the money, wanted assurances from [Rubio] that [she] would take care of [him], protect [Tafoya's] job as the City Attorney, and assist defendant financially or professionally in [her] official capacity if [she] obtained State elected office.

"[Rubio] agreed, and [Tafoya] withdrew $15,000 in cash, which he provided to [Rubio]".

The DOJ has unsealed Tafoya's plea agreement, in which he pleaded guilty to bribery and tax evasion, owing the IRS $675,000, accruing since 2007. Rubio was a former city council member of Baldwin Park and allegedly and originally from the City of Bell.

Activists, employees, business owners, citizens, civil rights attorneys and academics, and the Department of Justice, have been tirelessly exposing the rampant, open, and brazen corruption of Baldwin Park's officials and administrators. Greg S. Tuttle, small business owner in Baldwin Park, first blew the whistle in 2007, when former Mayor Manuel Lozano, Council Member Monica Garcia, and Council Member Ricardo Pacheco tried to steal his business by eminent domain. More to be exposed.

Mugshot of Robert Tafoya,
Looking like he's high on drugs.

Alleged mugshot of Susan Rubio

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Christian Assembly - Jezebel's Modern American Church

Matt Price, Evangelism Pastor
I went to a small group at this church, and the small group leader started introducing Catholic doctrine, such as the doctrine of Holy Saturday - where Jesus allegedly rescued people from Hell. He also started arguing that the Shack's Trinity was a good representation of the actual Trinity.

I went to ask the theological pastor, Matt Price, if Christian Assembly (CA) of Eaglerock agreed with the belief in purgatory and the doctrines of God's judgment and Hell, as stated on the Four Square Assembly website. Price refused to answer for almost a month, and I emailed him, without an answer I have to assume that CA endorses purgatory and doesn't believe in judgment and Hell as stated by the Four Square Assembly belief. Still no response. Price can't even be respectful to answer simple questions on theology.

I found Matt Price's talk to be so boring at Fusion. I asked the leaders to tell me when he speaks; so, I don't have to come back and have my time wasted.

I brought a guest to Fusion. And Price was preaching again. I noticed at least 7 people were sleeping. My guest told me, "This is the worst Christian talk I've ever heard. And I didn't learn any Bible."

There used to be a Facebook group that talked about how boring Price was. I don't understand why they continue to let him speak. I can only guess that he must know something about the internal church accounting.

Otherwise, after attending 2-3 months, I find them to be racially discriminatory. I only hear preaching from white people, like unqualified Price. For a racially diverse City, I would expect to hear more preaching from Asian-Americans and Hispanics as well.

To conclude, I question whether this Church is following sound doctrine. They seem to care more about numbers and the $5 million they bring in annually. I'd stay away.

A month later, I heard from Price. Price saw my review on Google Reviews (which has been censored) and wrote back that CA doesn't endorse purgatory and that it subscribes to all the values on Four Square Assembly. But then he proceeded to appear to make misrepresentations and attacked me.

After not hearing back from him since May 8, 2023 (nearly a month), Price wrote, "I sent a response to this email last week while I was staying in a hotel for a convention out of town."

So I replied back, "PS: please forward me a copy of the email you sent last week."

Price had to then admit: "I don’t have a copy of the email I wrote last week which didn’t get delivered. It isn’t in my sent or drafts files." This appears to be a lie, and from a "Christian preacher" of all people.

Then Price kicks me out of the church, just because I asked questions of theology, "Based on . . . your concerns with the theology taught at Christian Assembly it seems like Christian Assembly is not a good fit for you. I hope that you are able to find a local church that suits you." He then signs his signature "With grace".

Given that it took him almost a month to respond to simple theology questions, I have to assume that Price, himself, does not agree with Four Square's doctrine on judgment, Hell, final judgment, and sin. Generally, people who agree with core values will email back promptly and are not uncomfortable with answering simple questions.

So I wrote back: "Do you personally believe in God's judgment upon our lives and that Hell exists and that that judgment is final?"

Price responds: "Paul, / Please seek elsewhere for answers to your questions."

I conclude by writing back, "Matt: / I will assume your answer to be no then. Only you can provide me the answer to your . . . beliefs."

Based on the attitude, no repentance of bad doctrine, and the lack of grace and lying, I stand by my remarks that leaders like Price endorse heresy.


There are unsubstantiated allegations of CA that need to be verified and someone should do a records request on the church. According to an anonymous source, there was money that was allegedly laundered into the purchasing of some property in Glendale or La Canada. 


Also, in 2019, CA said it gave $5.3 million to pay off the medical debt of locals by donating it to a nonprofit, RIP Medical Debt. Someone should do a records request on the New York (not California based on nonprofit) to see how much money was actually spent on this medical debt.


I felt convicted to publish this as a warning to the body out there.

Scripture warns the Church. of Thyatira, "But this is what I have against you: you tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a messenger of God. By her teaching she misleads my servants into practicing sexual immorality and eating food that has been offered to idols. . . . . I will throw her on a bed where she and those who committed adultery with her will suffer terribly." (Revelation 2:20, GNT).

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Amir Eftekhari of Cyrus Towing Hires Professional Car Crasher to Hit Innocent Victims to Defraud Insurance Companies and Steal Cars, According to Former Employee.

"Raymundo" aka "Delta"

He’s 71 years old. Mexican. Talks with a squeaky and calm high pitched voice. Grey hair. Glasses (some times). 5 foot, one inch. As he’s driving, Cook believes the following happened.

Espiridion Raymundo Mendieta Morante (“Raymundo”) found his target car: a red Toyota Prius. I want this one, he thinks. He calculates what angle to hit the car like a pool game. He rear ends Elder Arambula’s red Toyota Prius at an angle, and like a struck pool ball, the Prius veers right. Raymundo then accelerates, knowing he needs to hit the car again to make it spin and confuse his victims. Raymundo hits the passenger door head on. Exito! (Success!) The red Prius spins out of control, and Arambula’s driver crashes again the guardrail, almost flying off the edge. Raymundo thinks, Chevere. I’m the best at this. I’m god. I choose who lives and who dies on these freeways. I did it again! 

 The thrill and the high. So satisfying. This is what Raymundo lives for.

Lying in wait, before the two can call AAA, is also Cyrus Towing. The driver, Amir Efetkhari (“Amir”), defrauds Arambula by claiming Toyota’s SOS system went off and that All State will pay for his tow free of charge. When the CHP Officer, Eric Voss comes onto the crash scene, Voss orders Amir to tow both cars towed off the freeway, giving the impression this is an official CHP Tow.

Raymundo doesn’t want to explain what happened, but he says he’s an unlicensed taxi driver, who lost his Uber license. Raymundo also has a passenger.

Immediately after the collision, the Filipino passenger, who wears nurse scrubs, calls, or pretends to call, someone immediately. He fails to ask if Arambula or his passenger, Paul Cook, is ok.

He just keeps talks on the phone in order to avoid talking to Arambula and Cook. (Justin Bieber does this, when he wants to avoid reporters.)

Raymundo’s passenger alleges his name is Aldrin Soliman Garcia. Although he alleges he was a nurse on a taxi ride seeing an in house client, Garcia has the same address as Raymundo. Garcia has a cancelled security guard license, a cancelled firearm license, and a cancelled baton license. 

It's suspected that although the Filipino nurse is using Garcia's name, this is not the actual name of the nurse.

Cyrus Towing charged Arambula $1,700 for towing and 3-4 days of storing his car. Business Owner "Dee Dee" says on recording that CHP called Cyrus Towing to tow the car.

Amir Eftekhari

Cook contacted former tow truck driver, Vinny Smith. Cook showed Smith a picture of Raymundo. Smith said, “That’s ‘Delta!’ He does work for us. He calls in after he ‘sees’ a car crash.” Smith calls him a Bird Dogger, someone lying in wait to report car crashes to tow companies.

 But after Cook explains that he believe that Ryamond intentionally hits vehicles causing them to spin out, Smith swears and says, “Oh, shit! No wonder.”

Smith recalls that around April of May this year, in Los Angeles, he towed a Hyundai or Kia in Los Angeles that Delta called in. The car spun out, like Arambula’s Prius, and hit a pole.

Cook and the Hyundai are not the only one. Cook interviewed another former victim, Elias Hernandez. Two years ago, while Hernandez was changing lanes in

Los Angeles, a car hit him, and he spun out in the middle lane near the 101-110 freeway interchange. Like Cook, he was dazed and confused and didn’t know what happened. Hernandez described that an older man, short, squeaky voice, Hispanic, as the driver that hit him.

Hernandez states that Amir defrauded him out of $17,000.

Smith states that Cyrus Towing, along with Autopro Collision Center, owned by “Yazeem Karoom” aka “Jessie”, commit insurance fraud together. Every car that Amir brings to Karoom, Amir receives a percentage of money.

The other day, Arambula and his college roommate, Marilyn Angel, found Raymundo’s car parked right outside of Autopro Collision Center.

Smith states that the main players of the operation are “Dee Dee”; Amir; “Delta”; and “Jessie”. He also believes Lakeshore Towing is also involved in the fraud ring.
Yazeem Karoom aka "Jessie"

Smith states that Amir cheated him out of $3,000 in stolen wages. Amir has been sued numerous times for fraud. It appears he’s been found civilly liable for a judgment and attempted to discharge his debt through bankruptcy.

Cook and Arambula request that law enforcement do everything it takes to halt these operations immediately, before more drivers get hurt or killed. The two suspect that Raymundo may also be a hit man.

Suspected Photo of Amir Eftekhari

Friday, October 4, 2024

Cyrus Tow Defrauds Crash Victim, Ransoms Victim's Car and Demands $1,700 in Cash, or Else They Take Elder Arambula’s Car, And Threaten a $30,000 Bill.

"Dee Dee" of Cyrus Tow.
On September 26, 204, around 7:40 PM, a car rear ended Arambula, causing his car to spin out and hit the guardrail. About 20 minutes after the crash, a tow truck driver spotted the broken red Prius. The tow truck driver rubber necked his head out the window, grinning. Cyrus Towing came before the police did and without asking Arambula, hooked up the Prius’s bumper to his tow truck. He told Arambula, “Toyota’s SOS button went off. They’re sending emergency service. Everything is free.”

In about 20 minutes, the California Highway Patrol (CHP) came. Officer Eric Voss ordered the driver of Cyrus Tow to take both the Prius and the Chevy Trax off the freeway and to the local side street.

The tow truck driver asked Cook where they needed to go. The driver ordered the Uber. It was all free according to Cyrus Tow. The Uber driver came and was rushing Arambula and Cook to finish their statement with the police. The police wouldn’t permit Arambula to take pictures of the crashed Chevy.

The tow truck driver said, “Hey – your car’s been totaled. It’s worth nothing. But don’t worry. Toyota will take care of everything. Toyota and All State’s emergency service called us. The service, tow, and impound will be free. Everything is going to be free. And you’re going to get another car. Just sign here and give me the keys.”  Arambula signed and gave him the keys.

Both Arambula and Cook had long distance AAA service and could’ve towed the car to either of their places. Little did they know the car would be towed about 40 miles away from the crash location in Stanton California.

Cook and Arambula started feeling that something or everything was wrong. They confirmed that Toyota nor All State ever called Cyrus Tow. Cook called Cyrus Tow, and talked to the business manager, who identified herself as “Dee Dee”. Dee Dee said, “We’re closing shop now. Don’t worry about it. Insurance will take care of everything. And if not, we’ll work with you on the bill on Monday. You don’t need to worry about it. We’re here to help.”

Little did Cook and Arambula know that three or four days later on Monday, when they would try to get the car out, the bill would be $1,700 that had to be paid in cash. (The Vehicle Code requires tow companies to accept credit card payment.)

Cyrus Tow charged $625 for the tow, $295 for the tow hook up fee, $150 for a forklift fee, $250 for an after hour fee, and $150 for a “hazmat/clean up” fee.

When Arambula told them that this was wrong, Dee Dee stated, “You only have three options! Leave the car here, while you file a claim with your insurance! Leave the car here, while you file a claim with the other guy’s insurance! Or you can make all this go away, if you sign the title away to me!”

Cook was on the phone and said, “He’s not going to sign the title to you.”

Dee Dee stated, “Your friend signed the contract. He gave me the keys. We don’t have to release this car to him ever.”

“That’s not a valid contract. You made him sign that under the pretension that Toyota called him and it was free. Also, it’s under duress.”

“You don’t know anything! You’re fucking up your friend’s life. You do whatever you want. I’m a private business. We don’t need to follow the [tow] laws. You can’t do anything about it! I have your keys. I have your car. We work with the police. We work with the CHP. Either sign the title or pay us the $1,700 in cash.

“Also, if your car is in here for 30 days, I automatically get the car. And I can still bill your friend $30,000.”

Arambula started breaking down in tears. Arambula, depressed and shocked, left the tow yard and called Cook and said, “I started college again. I’m trying to get back off my feet. And now this. They’re going to take all the financial aid money I just got.” Arambula is 23, Hispanic, community college student, professional boxer, and boxing coach and personal fitness instructor.

Cook calmed Arambula down and said, “Let me try to take care of it.” 

Although CHP Gives the Impression Cyrus Towing was an Authorized Police Tow, Altadena CHP Refuses to Lift a Finger to Help – Calling it a Civil Matter.

Cook then called the Altadena, CHP, instead, and talked to the watch commander, Sergeant Axl and requested that he help get Arambula’s car back given the facts. Cook explained that Voss had made it seem like Cyrus Tow was an official police authorized tow, when he ordered them to take both cars off the freeway. 

Eric Voss
Axl said, “Oh – there is this fraud going on. But this sounds like a civil thing.”

Axl called back 15 minutes later and said, “This is a civil matter and not criminal fraud. There’s nothing we could do because he signed the contract.”

Cook explained that Arambula signed only because they told them Toyota called, and it would be free. Also Arambula signed right after the accident, when he was in shock. 

Cook then wanted to talk to Axl’s boss. Axl replied, “I’m the highest up you can go. You can’t talk to the lieutenant here. This is a civil matter. Take it to court.”

Cook immediately emailed the facts to CHP Commissioner Sean Duryee, who said he would have someone investigate it. (This has been followed through.)

Angel looked up the company and saw a number of negative Yelp reviews that stated that Cyrus Tow finds crashed cars; tells the victims that Tesla or Toyota called them through its SOS program; and then charges $6,000 in towing fees, when they try to get it out.”

Cook, Arambula, and Angel Conduct a Probe and Discover that Cyrus Tow Preys on Car Crash Victims and Commits Potential Insurance Fraud.

First, Arambula asked Dee Dee to lower the price, because he only had $1,300 and didn’t have enough money. Dee Dee says, “$1,700 is probably the lowest I can do [for three days of tow].” Dee Dee calls the owner, Amir M. Eftekhari, who was enjoying himself at a wedding. 

Eftekhari said, “No.”

Arambula then had to borrow $500 from Angel.

After paying Dee Dee the $1,700, Arambula apologized to Dee Dee that Cook called the CHP on her. Arambula also added, “My friend is really destroying my life. I’m sorry I involved him.”

 She said, “Yes, he is.” 

Then, Arambula asked how Dee Dee’s business worked and what he could do to get reimbursed.

On video, Dee Dee spends about 15 minutes talking about how she complies with the law and follows best practice. She even says if they don’t comply by the law, “We can lose our business and possibly go to jail. . . . That’s why I’m trying to be as transparent as possible.”

She then explains why her tow rates are so high. Dee Dee says, “However, the minute that the driver puts any of his equipment on your car, you have to pay the drop fee. If he pulls his bed up, once that tow and the hook happens, you’re responsible for the charge.”

But here, Arambula didn’t consent to the driver putting his tow hook on his car. Dee Dee charged Arambula $295 to attach a hook to his car.

Arambula objects and says, “But your driver said this would be free of charge.”

Dee Dee responds, “90 percent of the time it is.” She then clarifies that free of charge means the insurance actually pays for it.

She adds: “We have to be very careful. We can’t just go and grab [any car.] If I did that, and you don’t have insurance at all, guess who’s assed out? Me! 

"Not just you, but me too! I have bills to pay too. I have a family to feed too. If I don’t have a business I can’t do that. So, I’m not going to risk my business.”

Dee Dee blames Arambula for not filing a claim immediately with both insurance companies. She says, “Had this been notified day one, they could’ve immediately picked up this vehicle at this price.”

She then tells Arambula, (who was the car crash victim), “You need to file a claim immediately. [Tell them] Hey, it was my fault. . . . Then they’ll work with me and these are the charges.”

Dee Dee maintains that Arambula still needs to file his claim and tell her the claim number. She says, “I let them know what the tow bill was. . . . All of this is going to be a numbers game.

In total, Dee Dee talks about an insurance claim 24 times in the video recording.

Dee Dee Admits CHP Officer Voss Calls Her Regarding His Crashed Prius; Kickback Suspected.  

Dee Dee explains to Arambula that they don’t officially work with the CHP, because they can’t get the high rates and they don’t have enough drivers and tow trucks. But as a private towing company, she says: “We can charge up the higher rates. That’s how we make our money.” (In other words, working unofficially with the CHP is the more lucrative and smarter way.)

Then Arambula asked Dee Dee, “So mine was in the Altadena CHP. So he’s [Eric Voss] the one, who contacted the guy who picked up my towing truck?”

Dee Dee answers, “Mmmm hmmm. Yeah. That’s how that works. . . . There’s many different ways these calls can come over.” 

(Voss is also well networked in the CHP. According to the Altadena CHP Instagram, Voss has two other brothers working for the CHP: Kyle and Lucas.)

Another victim of Cyrus Tow
Cyrus Tow Appears to Have a Relationship with Stanton LA County Sheriffs to Enable their Scheme.

Before Arambula and Angel leave, they film another elderly woman victim attempting to retrieve her vehicle. The victim called Los Angeles County Sheriff. The obese woman sheriff smirks at the victim and tells her nothing could be done. The victim puts her head down and walks away sad with the gleeful Dee Dee.Arambula’s incident is not isolated. Five other victims have complained on Yelp.

When asked about how he feels after the tow, Aramabula said, “This is just wrong. These people are profiting from our pain. We could’ve been seriously hurt. Handicapped or dead. It makes me so mad.”