Monday, December 26, 2022

Merry Christmas!


I wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas this year. I had a quiet Christmas with my immediate family, and it was peaceful and heart warming. I worked on Christmas Eve, and working on Christmas Eve didn't bother me as much as the work itself. The legal work, I have to say, wasn't very interesting. We're doing well in my family.

I wished a number of people a more heartfelt Merry Christmas by quoting from John 3:16. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." I mean the reason we have Christmas is because of Christ's birth, right? 

So, remember; Jesus loves you, and through the power of the cross, you can have a new life. Merry Christmas to everyone!

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Manny Carrillo - Baldwin Park's Director of Parks and Recreation - Permits Accused Pedophile to Target Teenage Boys at the Boxing Gym

Manny Carrillo
Manny Carrillo, Director of Parks and Recreation, permits pedophile to groom children at the Baldwin Park Boxing Gym, despite warnings. A victim of the pedophile told me how when she was seven to ten, the pedophile sexually assaulted her. Despite repeated warnings, on Dec. 15, 2022 - Carrillo permitted  the pedophile to groom one of the minors at the boxing gym when the coaches were not looking. 
The accused pedophile ("pedophile") began his grooming activities several years ago. According to sources, he used to allegedly give the head boxing coach cash money years ago, when the current head boxing coach was low on cash and without a full time job. This then bought a relationship with the head boxing coach that would pay off now. It's customary in the City of Baldwin Park for city officials and employees to accept bribes.

Several months ago, the pedophile actively began talking to the head boxing coach for at least an hour - on the city's time on two separate occasions. The boxing coach should have been attending to the gym but neglected his duties at this time; instead, he was chatting with the pedophile.

Then, several days later, the pedophile purchased a gym membership. And with that, he started slowly leaving the gym area and creeping his way into the boxing area. I saw his pupils dilated, and he looked excited, as he started having new interaction with teenage boys. 

I told Carrillo there was enough probable cause to run a live scan on the pedophile to confirm his criminal history.

Instead of investigating the situation, Carrillo made a policy that minors under the age of 12 needed to evacuate the pedophiles space, when he came. A mother told me how upset she was, because this was the only time her child could come to the gym. Carrillo, thus, punished innocent children and parents to give the pedophile his preferences.

A competent director would have investigated. I told Carrillo this was not the correct solution and that an investigation needed to take place and that a live scan needed to be ran. Of course, Carrillo would rather give the pedophile his way and not do the commonsense thing.
I asked Carrillo what the written policy was for gym regarding convicted pedophiles. No response.
So on Dec. 15, 2022 - the pedophile came in around 6:30PM. He pretends to just use the gym area. But as soon as the coaches were not looking, he approached a teenage boy and started showing him what a great boxing coach the pedophile was. After I looked, the pedophile smiled at me (like he got away with a crime) and left.
According to criminal expert, James Gilligan, pedophiles need lifetime monitoring and treatment. Once the court orders treatment to stop - re-offense is inevitable.
This isn't a surprise. I've written up how Manny Carrillo is a money launderer and a child abuser. More can be read about Carrillo's corruption here.
Currently, the Department of Justice is investigating the City of Baldwin Park. It's very sad that I have to make this a public matter, but it's clear that the City is not doing enough to protect the children and citizens of this gym. Reform is required.

*The reference to pedophile is to "accused pedophile". A live scan needs to confirm the suspect's actual criminal history.
[Update: I saw Carrillo confronting the offender for an hour in a room. Although he hasn't been banned yet from the area, it appears the message was told to the accused pedophile that he wasn't permitted to be around children. (I later thanked Carrillo for taking my concerns about this matter seriously.)
After the confrontation, at night, in the parking lot, the accused was waiting for me ten feet from my car. He started screaming at me that I needed to watch my back. He also screamed how I could even think of attempting to reporting him to the FBI for kidnapping his son. I began recording him with my cell phone. And he screamed his name and said he had equal rights as me.
An anonymous caller called the police on my behalf. Whoever that was, thank you. It made me feel safer.
I have filed a police report against the offender regarding the criminal threats, which will be submitted to the district attorney's office.]