According to the Chinese Zodiac, 2025 will be the year of the wood snake. Snakes, generally represent, evil, deceit, treachery, envy, and danger in the Scriptures. On few occasions, they also represent God's judgment and even healing.
I've had numerous encounters with deadly snakes in my life. For some reason, I'm not afraid of them. I remember picking up the most venomous snake in the world: a sea snake. The Dubois sea snake is 100 times more deadly than a terrestrial snake, and like I said, I picked it up on a scuba dive. Then I let it back down. It slithered away.
When I was in Kakadu, Australia, I picked up a huge python, which urinated in my hand and left a terrible stench. It's body was as thick as a coke bottle. So, I've had my fair share of snake handling.
As per my usual tradition, let's review 2024 - which was a good year for me.
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We ended the year strong, by breaking the story on the Legal Lens regarding Susan Rubio, and all her marijuana kickbacks. There's a snake, if I've ever seen one.
Also, I won my first reversal on an appeal. No, I didn't make some great law, or settle some complex or significant legal issue, which I've always wanted to do. But again, consistent with the theme of 2025, I exposed more snakes in that appeal.
I always published another opinion editorial, advocating for conservatorship reform.
We also exposed a pretty big story, which didn't get as much attention as it should've. Elder and Marilyn and I discovered that it appears Cyrus Towing was hiring a professional car crasher to hit cars, engage in insurance fraud and make a profit at the risk of serious harm to people.
According to an admission from Cyrus Towing, an officer is calling in these crashes to make a profit. His name is Eric Voss. He appears to be a snake too, along with Daniella Sullivan ("Dee Dee") and Amir Eftkhari.
Furthermore, I made significant progress on my father's case, which I'll be writing more about this year. The reason I haven't written as much from 2021 until now, is because I've been taking care of my father and this case.
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Last year, I wanted to set the vision that Truth would prevail and expose evil. I think I'm accomplishing that. To me, it appears 2025 will be a continuation of 2024 in bringing "the utter darkness into the light."
In 2025, I'll be writing more on government corruption, elder abuse, and other dark crimes. 2024 was a good year for me, but regardless, it's time to say goodbye to it. The Year of the Dragon has ended, and now comes the Year of the Snake.