San Pedro is the main city on Caye Ambergris. I would spend most of my time there. I didn't do all that much on Caye Ambergris.

Of course, I had a few drinks.

(Me on the jetboat, looking back at the island).

One thing I liked and hated about San Pedro was that it was sooooooooo

I ate lobster and fish.
American. Of course, I'm American too. But when you go on holiday, loud, obnoxious Americans are the last thing you want to

see. They're always easy to spot. They speak a decibel louder. They're usually overweight. And they say dumb things, like, "Ma, where's the ATM?"
The island caters to Americans too, with pizza and burger places. Not a huge fan. But,
I ate lobster and fish.

Of course, I had a few drinks.

Reading was fun.
And then there was meeting locals. . .

That's me with Ms. El Salvador. Ironically, I took this pic a few days before I hitchhiked back from the Casino. An ambassador and other woman were in the car. The "other woman" said she was here for Costa Maya, the Central American beauty pageant.
I said at a risk, "I hope El Salvador wins."
The lady said, "REALLY!? That's my daughter!"
I said, "I'm glad, I didn't say Honduras then. You would've kicked me out of here." We all started laughing. Then I paged through my camera and showed her the pic above and said, "That's my daughter."
What were the odds?
And then, I had to say Good Bye to Belize. I had the time of my life. And you better Belize it!

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