Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Automobile Club of Southern California and Hadley Tow Sued for Damaging Motorist's Bumper; AAA Denies Paying, Despite Evidence.

Greg Backley
On September 11, 2024 - Automobile Club of Southern California (AAA) was served a complaint, alleging negligence. I submitted all the proof that AAA asked for, and they still rejected my claim. Instead, AAA forced me to sue it instead of taking responsibility for the damaged caused by Hadley Towing.

On February 24, 2024 - the back rear tire popped on the freeway. I called AAA Emergency Roadside Assistance, who contracted out Hadley Tow to fix the tire. When the driver,  Roberto, ID 142 119, towed my car on the bed, the harness snapped. (Photo published below.)

I made several demands from Hadley Tow, who ignored all my demands. I then made a claim with AAA, submitted the photo of the harness and the a statement of facts.

AAA asked Hadley what happened. Mark Hassan of Hadley Tow called me and said, although they haven't reviewed the evidence, they were going to deny the claim, because he didn't want to pay. Hassan then told AAA that my rear tire popping caused the bumper damage, which is obviously not true.

Mark Hassan
AAA also denied the claim, on the grounds I didn't have a picture of the car prior to the bumper damage. I appealed to management. AAA then requested a picture of the car prior to the bumper damage.

AAA sent me on a wild goose chase. I contacted the auction house, which thankfully had the car pictures on file. The auction house sent it to me. I sent it to AAA. AAA denied it again, this time asking for video evidence that Hadley damaged my car. I found this unreasonable.

On July 8, 2024 - I filed a small complaint. It was difficult to sue Hadley Tow, because they actually use the company name F M G, Inc. I figured it out.

AAA twice rejected service of the complaint. I served AAA at its headquarter in Los Angeles, which then asked to be serve in Costa Mesa. The Costa Mesa branch, who also rejected the complaint. Finally, AAA was successfully served through its agent in Sacramento.

Mark Hassan has a bad reputation with the community and a reputation for dishonesty. According to Whittier News, he has been in collusion with the police for engaging in illegal activity before. 

Greg S. Tuttle of Baldwin Park stated that Mark refused to get the proper permits to operate his tow company in Baldwin Park and started running it illegally and shoddily. Hadley Tow has since been ousted from doing business with the City.

Hence, for a company that's known for outstanding service and excellence, I'm disappointed that AAA is contracting with Hadley and that their new CEO Beckley made the decision to decline responsibility and repair the damages done on my car.

We live in times now where businesses would rather risk being sued and shamed than fixing the problems they create.

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