Sunday, December 20, 2020

Update on Life - August to December

Me at a Roman Ruin

Last time I updated everyone was around August. I've been busy with  pro bono litigation, but now that the holiday season is coming, things are slowing down and I can write more. 

I've been wanting to write for awhile now, but the truth is that I've had no energy or time to. My mind's generally been spent. A lot has happened from August to December of 2020, and I'd like to report on that in the coming weeks. 

Since so much of what has happened was and is important, these events all deserve their own article. So what do I want to say now?


Well - there's no ignoring the fact that the Covid-19 pandemic has changed our lives, at least in Los Angeles. I have friends in New Zealand who are not in lockdown. We are arguably on stricter lockdown now than we were when the virus first appeared here. I read today that Washington DC has followed what the government is doing here. A strip club recently won at court that the lockdowns are illegal for strip clubs and restaurants.

As a trained biologist, I found and still find it hard to believe that there's a virus causing this pandemic. I know it's controversial what I say, but when I studied microbiology, the key test to prove viral causation is Koch's Postulates. (I personally have my own views of some of the flaws of this test, but so far, it's what the scientific community has agreed upon to prove that a pathogen causes a disease.)

Back in April 13, 2020, I wrote an article about how the coronavirus fails Koch's Postulates. Since then, more critics have followed suit and repeated such claims. I still haven't seen any proof that Covid-19 passes Koch's Postulates.

For those of you who don't know, to prove that there's a Covid-19 virus, the infected lung fluid, when injected into a healthy person, has to replicate the illness. Has that been done yet?

Of course, like with most disease, the medical community says better to be safe than sorry. But at what cost? The destruction of a great majority of small businesses? What about the increasing suicide rates? What about the increasing levels of stress and depression? 

What about the fact that most of the students between kindergarten and high school won't be getting educated? Studies are already showing that the number of students failing has doubled, if not tripled. What's even more concerning is that the poor and those with learning disabilities are disproportionately affected. A news report I watched said that only one-third of students attend every class online.

So, what's the cost of being safe? I ask you again.

Now, before people start barraging me with criticism, my brother and I have a mutual friend, who is a nurse. Through hearsay, I'm told that the intensive care units are full and that people are dying. 

So, let me investigate and get back to you. (Allegedly, this mutual friend was vaccinated and the reaction was horrible. He had the chills, fever, and body ache.)

But in any event, even though a virus might not cause a disease, doesn't mean a disease isn't out there. What it does mean is that we need to start looking at other factors. I'm reading a book that says that the two main factors besides pathogens that cause disease are (1) toxins, and (2) nutritional deficiencies. 

Why is that none of these experts are looking into those factors, and instead, concentrating on being virus hunters? A thorough investigation for causation requires exploration of all three.

Anyways, I have more to say, but later. I'm still researching and have thoughts on all this. The general mortality rates reported hover around 2% by region. At the very least, we as a society need to rethink how to redraw these policy lines, so that the rest of the 98% aren't damaged, harmed, and ruined by 2% of the population that are dead or dying. 

Incidentally, about over two weeks ago, I was in contact with someone who tested positive. I generally didn't have any symptoms. With the exception of buying food and exercise, I had to self-isolate for that time.


I've been busy in this area, and I want to report my most important cases here. More to come over the weeks on that.


Manuel Lozano, the city's most corrupt and evil Mayor, has finally been voted out. More on him later, but the former mayor has left a wake of corruption, brokenness, bitterness, and a legacy of destruction behind him. I'm finally glad people woke up and saw the light.

To prove how self-focused he is, Lozano named the Council Chamber after him at his final council meeting. The new council, at their first meeting, revoked the name. There's no politician we had in our history that ever had such gall.

Also, if you didn't know, the City Attorney, Robert Tafoya (who I have constantly stated on this blog is unethical) is finally being investigated by the FBI. The activists here are fairly certain that former Council Member Ricardo Pacheco has or is also being investigated too. It has not been confirmed if search warrants were served on Lozano too. (Any tips are welcome.)

Since these recent events, I read a quote by Gandhi that rang true. Gandhi said, "When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall."

So that's it for now. You should be hearing more from me.


1 comment:

  1. Thousands harmed due to side effects from Covid vaccine

    Covid Lawsuits against Governments
