Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Cook's Tale - The Fisherman and the Owl

Dear Readers,

From time to time, I take my hand at fiction. Here's my version of a Korean-American version of Aesop's Tale called the Fisherman and the Owl. (As a note, there is no puns in this story.)

The Fisherman and the Owl (Unfinished)
by Paul Cook

Once upon a time, there was an owl, who had a community and family. A fisherman and his family claimed the lake to be his and his family, and the owl didn't mind, except the water was becoming fouler, the fish were becoming fewer, and the forest was decaying more day by day.

Though the young and simple owl had nothing and very little support from the other animals, who were afraid of the humans, he tried to do something about it. Using night and mystery to his advantage, he first tried to uncover what was happening.

While the owl was investigating, there were problems amongst the fisherman and his family. One of the son's chose to go his own way and do harm to all. As the resources of the land became scarce, even the forest animals were being bought off by the different humans to turn against the innocent animals.

Now, the owl had a great adventure and great trials and tribulations to get to the truth - because discovering the truth is a costly work. He journeyed into the heart of darkness, and when he found it, the witch of the forest told the powers involved. Now, the powers couldn't let the bird just fly around and tell others.

The owl also knew that too. He was concerned for those creatures who were closest to him. Of the two, the fisherman and the fisherman's son, he recognized the son as the greater evil. The owl knew what he had to do.

He saw that the fisherman set a lure for his son. Seeing it as a way to protect those he cared about, the owl took a lure that wasn't meant for owls but for humans.

The fisherman reeled him. They did get to know each other. Even though it was a rocky boat ride, the owl remained clam and steady. And why shouldn't he? After all - he chose to be captured.

The owl knew that the fisherman was proud of his catch and saw that the owl was better trained in falconry than originally expected. But of course he would be, for in another life and another story, in another land, the owl was trained by several masters of falconry and even in his own land, the owl had a prince's education. (Just after being trained, he earned his freedom and wanted to live in peace with his family and friends, which would have happened except for the fisherman's son.) So, he was already tame.

* * * *

And so, my friends, this story is still unwritten, as an ending has not come out yet. After my writer's block unfreezes, this fable may be finished.

But like every Aesop Fable - there is still a moral.

Moral: Love makes suffering bearable.

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